Saturday, May 28, 2005

How do you know when you're absolutely exhausted?

When you wake up and realize you've been dreaming about shaving a pillow.

Is it really Morning? Gah.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Bumper Stickers You'll Probably Never See:

"My Child is a C Student at Oak Park Elementary"

"Please Tailgate. It's Fun and I Like It"

"I'm a Moron"

"Elderly Drivers Make the Road a Safer Place"

"I Drive Slow in the Fast Lane ON PURPOSE!"

"I'd Rather Be Getting a Colonic"

"Soccer Second-Cousin Twice Removed"

"I Wish I Had A Crappier Car"

"I Break the Law"

"Drive Safely: Talk on Your Cell Phone More"

"I Like Yanni"